Sunday, July 3, 2011

Britney Haters Rule the Blogs

Haters and Fans Collide
on Perez and x17 Online

What is the semi-universal fascination
with hating Britney Spears?

Britney Spears has become widely known for her seemingly random acts of self destruction. Her current status as a monumental staple of tabloid fodder has resulted in the creation of worldwide cynics and critics (also known as “Britney haters”) that can predominantly be found in the comment sections of Perez and x17 online. What is it about Britney Spears that has got so many bloggers' knickers in a knot?

Hate Unites Multiple Generations

On websites such as x17 online, the age, gender and relationship status of Britney “haters” seems to span a surprisingly large gap. From the “tweenies” (who are the kids on the brink of adolescence and can usually be associated with an adamant use of the word “hater”) to the working mothers of teenage girls; everybody seems to have an opinion about the way Britney should live her own life.

Are people entitled to their personal opinions about the actions of Britney Spears? Some people may not think so. But what about the hypothetical case of a single mother with a teenage daughter who idolizes Britney Spears and everything she does? In this type of situation, Britney’s thoughtless actions might have a negative impact on the life of another person. But is that really Britney’s problem?

Is It Playful Banter or Just Plain Cruel?

Some “Britney haters” claim in their posts that they are blogging just to kill time at work. Others blog so frequently that they must be sitting at their computers 24/7 clicking the refresh button in their internet browser waiting for the latest news on Ms. Spears in order to be the first to post a hate-filled comment.

Then there are the other types of “haters” that can usually be found on x17 online. These types of people will post several hateful messages under anonymous names with such passion and conviction believing that other people actually care about their opinions. They are countered by people that call themselves Britney’s fans who basically just say things like, “Shut up haters!” 600 comments later, the perpetual fight between the fans and the “haters” is still in round 1 leaving both sides inwardly knowing that they have nothing to show for their day apart from hours of pointless squabbling.

“Can’t We All Just Hate Britney?”

The odd thing is that both the fans and the “haters” don’t even seem to be talking to each other. On x17 in particular, the “haters” seem to post a hateful comment, then log off the website supposedly feeling like they accomplished something worthwhile. When one side does decide to respond to the other, their sole purpose is to insult the other’s personal opinions for not matching their own. About 20 comments later, disturbingly; somebody will interrupt and tell them that they have strayed from the subject of hating Britney.

Will It Ever Stop?

Do “Britney haters” just need somebody to look down on in order to feel better about their own lives or are they voicing their opinions in an attempt to protect themselves and those that are vulnerable to the actions of Britney Spears? Either way, their comments (whether cruel or caring) seem to be falling on deaf ears. The only way they may be able to get their point (whatever that may be) across to Ms. Spears, is if they stop criticizing her personal choices. If every moment of Britney’s life isn’t documented and scrutinized, she may have a chance at becoming a normal person. If Britney becomes normal, the “haters” will be forced to focus their hate on the real issue; themselves.

Source: Suite 101
This article was originally posted on Nov 9, 2007.



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