Sunday, February 20, 2011

Fans Who Have Met Britney: Their Stories

NOTE: The images have nothing to do
with the actual stories.

Erica's Experience - March 7th, 2000

March 7, 2000 = The BEST freakin night of my life so far!

Well, the reason I got the chance to meet Britney is because I won a contest that BX (a military store) was having! We live, like, 45 minutes from Pensacola-the place where her first concert was going to be held-so they decided to have a contest! It was for the first 30 drawn from the first 1000 to enter got to go to her Full Dress Rehearsal Practice Concert [Really like a Private Concert] the DAY BEFORE opening night!
Well I was one of the winners (yay)!

Now onto the great Britney Day!!

Well, we had to be at the BX by 3:30 and whatnot so we arrived and then like 30 minutes later we got on the buses and headed to the Civic Center! So we got there but they weren't done setting up the stage and stuff so we had to wait outside. (And can I also so SECURITY STINKS!) So it's 6:30 and we FiNALLY get to go into the venue, but we are all confused on when we were gonna get to meet her because at first it was gonna be after the concert but then they changed it to before and then they were telling us no it's after still! Then they all finally changed it to it would be before the concert! So...the kids all get in lined up so I ran to get there first. We all had to scoot down (I will never forget this) and her boydgaurd called me babydoll! AHH! He goes "Scoot down somemore babydoll!" (HeHe!!) So I went all the way down to the end of the rail and I was last but it was actually the BEST place to be for this because if I was up front I would have had to double up with some other person I didn't know for pictures!

At around 7p.m. Britney finally comes out and as she was walking down the little aisle I was snapping pictures of her. They hardly came out but, oh well, they are still her! Then, Britney is just five people away from me and I start to cry! So I get calmed before she comes to the girl in front of me and they take their picture and before she started walking towards me I was like, "Wait! Can I take a picture?" and she was like, "Sure" and she tapped the little girl on her shoulder and was like "Look." So I took the picture and then Britney was like, "Are you the last one?" And I go "Yeah, and this is for you." And I handed her the scrapbook of fanletters I made her. She was like, "Aww thanks!" and she gave me a big hug!
Then we took the picture and she was like, "Thanks again, what's your name?" I answer, "Erica."
"Well it was nice meeting you. Thanks and I hope you enjoy the show."
"Your Welcome and it was nice meeting you too. Bye!"

And that was basically the whole conversation. But there is A LOT MORE! After I walked off she grabbed the scrapbook away from the gifts lady and started reading it! I was flipping out and cried a little again.
Finally we got to go inside...I litterally ran to the front row, center. It is a GREAT feeling to be Front row dead center! After we found our seats we had to wait 30 minutes for the show to start because Britney was still getting ready and the stage people were getting the stage set-up because it wasn't finished yet.
But, anyhow, finally the concert starts! (Let me just say that Britney is a GREAT PERFORMER!) The concert starts and she, of course, did "Crazy" first! (I LUV that song! I WAS THE HYPEREST PERSON THERE! I was doing ALL the dances to the songs because I know them and I was yelling and freaking out while everyone else was bobbing their heads up and down.) Britney kept smiling at me too! It rawked! I forget the order of the songs but when she did "Oops! ... I Did It Again", I totally spazzed! We were the FIRST fans to hear the song ever so I felt REALLY privileged! We were also the first to hear "Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know." Seeing both songs live first was GREAT! I love the way she flew out into the crowd! It was just awesome! All her outfits were SOO CUTE! Not hootchie-fied! Very stylish and sexy-classy!
The show was just GREAT! For "From the Bottom Of My Broken Heart" she had a contest to find the "Ultimate Heartbreaker", and this guy named Brandon or whatever won! He sat in the chair and she came from behind him and was like, "Can I sit here?" and he just nodded like a dork! She starts to sing the song to him and right before he had to get offstage the female dancers took a poloroid sticky picture for him to have and Britney kissed her two fingers and placed them on his lips! He looked like he was gonna faint! It was the cutest thing ever!

The most memorable moment from the show that I'll take with me is when She performed "The Beat Goes On." She came out in this black and red outfit and at one point in the dance they have to turn around.. and right before they all turned around Britney gave me this look like "Something is gonna happen and I don't think you'll want it to" and then she turns around and shakes her butt directly in my face! I start crackin up laughing while the Dads behind me were howling and whistling! But it was too cute because she had a heart on her butt. But I won't ever forget that! It's just something you can't forget!

Afterthe second to last song, Britney goes backstage and everyone BUT me thinks it's over (because I KNOW that she always does that to make people think it's over but I know she has to sing "...Baby One More Time") I started yelling out paradies to the song and everyone else starts to scream with me and at this point my voice is almost gone because I was screaming and singing TOO MUCH! I took my ear plugs out not thinking anything else was gonna happen but right as I took them out the Pyrotechnics shoot up and blasted in my ear! (OMG that HURTS!) So she does "...Baby One More Time" and does the Grammy's dance mixed with the regular one-it was AWESOME!

After that the show ended and we had to go. All in all that was the BEST day of my life so far! Who knows, May 9th could top it because I am goin to my Nsync concert then! ...But that was my whole Britney Experience!


My Experience

This Webmaster's Account of Her First Britney Spears Concert
June 30th, 2000 - Jones Beach

My day began with me awaking early to watch Britney perform on the Today show in Rockefeller Center (to the largest crowd ever). Once I saw Britney perform, I became nervous because she looked completely exhausted and so run down. She performed only three songs with breaks in between and at the end of her final song, she even stated, "Now, I'm really tired!" Being that I was going to see her later on that night, I didn't want to hear her saying she was tired - I was afraid her show wouldn't be as good since she was so tired, but I hoped that she would take a nap before my show.

My friend picked me up and we drove out to Jones Beach, blasting Britney's music and singing at the top of our lungs all the way there. We arrived there and immediately got someone to take our picture by Britney's latest "Got Milk?" ad and proceeded into the arena. There, we bought Britney Spears glow sticks (we knew if we bought a shirt, we'd never wear it), got a free picture taken by one of the workers with an I-Zone camera and then waited on line to get a "Got Milk?" picture. That picture came out really cute. You are given a milk mustache to put on your upper lip and then you go stand next to a cardboard cutout of Britney (the one from the "Got Milk?" ad where there's a picture of her when she's a little girl) and get your picture taken (all for free).

We found our seats and sat down (we were ALL the way in the last section - but what a view!). Eventually, No Authority came out to start pumping up the crowd. I, personally, didn't even know who they were to begin with. When I heard them sing their first song, then I realized who they were, but that one song was the only song I knew of theirs. They were actually very good. They had the hardest job: trying to get the crowd pumped up and excited, yet, they had to keep the crowd into THEM so that chants of "Britney! Britney!" wouldn't be heard throughout their performance. They put on a good show and after they were done, the whole group went down to section G and did a signing for whomever wanted their autographs. My friend and I - not being fans of Innosense - went down and waited on line for about a half hour. When it was time to meet the guys, I was pleasantly surprised. They were VERY VERY nice, kool, outgoing, pleasant and much better looking than they had looked in their photos (which were being handed out on line along with temporary tattoos). Now, I must say, Ricky was extremely pleasant and very friendly. The other two guys (I forget their names!!) were very friendly too. One guy just sat there and didn't so much as look up at any of his fans ... that wasn't too cool, but the other guys were so nice it made up for it sort of.

After taking pictures with No Authority, we went back to our seats and waited for another half an hour for Britney to come out. Finally the stage got dark, and her computerized image came up on the screens as there was her recording of a cute little intro that told a story with all of her song titles. Then, she came out with a bang and began singing "(You Drive Me) Crazy" Immediately, I was up out of my seat dancing. It was a great performance as always. The next song was "Stronger" which was also great. The other songs she sang were "Sometimes," "From the Bottom of My Broken Heart," "Born To Make You Happy," "Lucky," "Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know," "Don't Go Knockin' On My Door," "The Beat Goes On," "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction," "What U See (Is What U Get)" and "closed" with "...Baby One More Time." She said goodbye to us and thanked us for being a wonderful audience and left. But most of us knew she was coming back out again, and of course, she did. She closed with "Oops! ... I Did It Again." She was on for about an hour and 15 minutes.

I had a GREAT time. The only disappointing thing was that we WERE sitting so far away so it was sort of like watching her perform on tv again. But she definitely put on a great show. There was also a lot of cool things going on while she performed like confetti being shot all over the audience and "explosions." I must say, she also had great backgrounds (backdrops) during all of her performances. Something else that I thought was cool was that there were four members pre-selected from the audience who (at one point in the show) got to go onstage and compete for a chance to meet Britney. It was hysterical and fun. It was another example of good interaction with the crowd.

Her outfits were very cute, but I don't know HOW she danced in most of them. They looked so hot to be dancing in! I thought her outfit for "What U See (Is What U Get)" was very cute too. She was in pink with a bright pink cowboy hat on as she danced around a pole (but it wasn't like dirty dancing).
Another thing I'd like to point out is that her voice sounded great. Note: I'm not saying she lip-synched. She sang live and sounded incredible. I didn't even think that if she sang live she'd sound so good, but she definitely did.

Her dancing was incredible, as were her dancers, sets, singing, outfits and energy. All in all I had a wonderful time and wish I could go back and do it all over again!


I met Britney in a Starbucks

A visitor of WorldOfBritney writes:

"Yesterday I was walking through NYC with my mom (how fun) and we decided to stop in a Starbucks. Now, I'm not really one for coffee so as my mom went up to order I just went and plopped down at a table and I sat there for a minute or two playing with my napkin and I heard someone walk in and I heard that infamous laugh. I continued playing with my napkin desperately trying to make those cool formations that they have at the really fancy restaurants. When my mom came back, she was like "Ok why aren't you freaking out and harassing her?" and I was like who? and I turned around to see who she was talking about. All thoughts of it being Britney pushed out of my head and I saw the white newsboy cap and she turned around.

Completely oblivious to my mothers endless babbling about how I should leave her alone I had to go up and be an annoying fan so I went up and opted for the dumb fan approach and asked if she really was Britney. After that she was really cool and we talked for a lil while until one of her body guards who I'm assuming was Rob and FE (Yes I got excited when I saw her too) told her they had to get going.

It was great she just hugged me and apologized for having to go so fast and I had to go back to my table with my mom where I finally let out my teeny bopper squeal and my mom proceeded to roll her eyes and tell me she was just "another person".
That's pretty much the end of my story, I just figured I'd tell u about it cause I got to meet her finally and she was REALLY sweet in light of all the bad press she's gotten lately, I figured a story with a positive image of her could lift everyone's spirits."


Neil S's. Encounter

It was around Labor Day weekend, and I just found out Britney was going to be at MACY*S in NYC-well you had to be the first 300 people to buy $150 worth of Tommy H. clothes-so I ended up spending, like, $300 because I got 2 passes.

Well, I was the 130th person to be there. I was sooo excited. After that, I had to come back Sept. 8, and I was guarenteed to get an autograph. So I got there, and waited on line for about 3 hours. Finally we got in, and we waited another hour 'cause Brit was late. Then she came and EVERYONE was screaming at the top of their lungs. I was in too much shock-I didn't even scream. I HARDLY moved. I couldn't believe it was BRITNEY right in front of my face.
She looked really good! She was wearing a red Tommy shirt with another white button down shirt over it, and Tommy jeans.

So one by one people went up and spent about 2 minutes with her, and got ONE autograph. When it was my turn, I went up, and was totally SPEECHLESS. She said "Hi" and "How are you?" I barely answered. The best part was after she signed my CD, I asked if I could have the 8X10 pic of her (which she signed for you) and her manager said, "SORRY, it's only one per person."
So Britney took the pic and slipped it under the table for me! I was SO happy! And then I went right in her face and took 3 CLOSE pics..and i mean REALLY close! It was time they started pushing me out, so I had to leave Britney. So i left, and wished I never did. It was the BEST day of my life, and I wish I have the chance to meet her again.



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