Sunday, February 20, 2011

Touching Fan Story

So back in Paris in July 2009

My friend Stéphane heats his powerful black 4X4 to take his son Quentin in Bercy.
After the concert they're trying to see the pop star from close.
When they arrive there, a horde of paparrazzi waits outside the entrance of the hotel. Suddenly, two big black vans arrive with Britney, everyone runs and runs ... a look-alike!

Quentin was disappointed, he was standing sad in a corner when a bodygard discreetly indicates to his father Stéphane that Britney arrived at the elevator near the parking lot.

A bit later a more regular looking van arrives. Britney gets out of the car with her agent, Jason Trawick and rushes into the hallway, but the crying of Quentin probably moved them, because two minutes later Jason resturns and asks the father to follow him. Britney wanted to see the boy...

They go on the 5th floor, and a minute later BritBrit comes out and just had to kiss Quentin who still couldn't believe this! And neither could his father ...
Really, she has a big heart.




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