Sunday, July 3, 2011

Britney could be feminism's newest heroine

Sunday Apr 18 2010

Britney Spears blazing a trail for feminism? Who would have though it? And yet, last week, the pop princess, formerly known as popular culture's biggest casualty, forged a new identity for herself -- that of brave pioneer, helping to tear down the unrealistic goals of physical perfection modern women aspire to.

It seems unlikely that the girl who brought us Hit Me Baby One More Time, serving up seduction in a schoolgirl skirt, should have grown up into a lady who now seeks to debunk the myth and the marketing around current conceptions of beauty. And yet that is exactly what she's done. She's gone where no star of her level of celebrity has gone before.

She shot a recent ad campaign for Candie clothing, in which she appeared in a pink swimsuit and high-heeled shoes. But instead of simply signing off on the glossed-up, slimmed-down retouched version of the pictures, as would be standard practice, she's also released the same shots before any computer wizardry took place. Sans airbrushing, sans retouching. Just Britney, raw and unpolished.

Of course, it's not the first time we've seen her like this. Courtesy of the countless paparazzi documenters of her day-to-day life, the public have been treated to many shots of her looking less than perfectly glammed. We've been treated to close-ups of her acne, her bad hair days and her cellulite. Every imperfection has been carefully catalogued, circled in red, and commented on in magazines. This sort of bitchy exposure of the truth, however, is motivated only by jealousy and insecurity. It cheapens the self-image of the viewer as much as the image of the star.

By revelling in a celebrity's imperfection, all we do is compound a culture of criticism which we then turn upon ourselves. It's simple schadenfreude. And the grim pleasure we take in identifying famous flaws not only further elevates the red herring of perfection, but sets women against each other in pointless pursuit of it.

By Britney releasing these pictures, she not only sidesteps this grubby practice, she renders it redundant. By publishing the before and after pictures side-by-side, Britney exposes more vividly than we've ever seen before the exact mechanisms which are employed to create the chimera of body perfection. They myth falls down in front of our eyes. Those unflattering paparazzi shots of saggy bottoms and blotchy skin splashed over glossy pages like evidence of some kind of failure are, by this simple gesture, sort of neutralised. Indeed, if more female pop stars were as brave as Britney in revealing the way they really look, they might find themselves less dogged by the snappers who are paid fortunes to catch glimpses of A-list cold sores and rolls of fat.

"Britney's proud of her body, imperfections and all," an unnamed source said. And it's a pride she, of all people, has certainly earned. Just two years ago the world watched while the pop princess nose-dived into psychological meltdown. And how did the teen star, whose whole identity had been a marketing image, choose to register her frustration and rage? She let herself go. She put on weight. She shaved her head. Surely these were the ultimate acts of defiance from a girl who had been brainwashed into believing that the best measure of her personal value was grounded in how pretty she was, and how well groomed.

Britney's been to hell and back. She's risked losing her career, her looks, her children and her sanity. Now it seems, she's well on the way to regaining them all. She was raised to define herself by an empty media image. An image which she then deliberately tore down.

And, as these recent pictures prove, she's managed to establish a sense of herself based on something much more rooted than how glossy, shiny and perfect she looks on the pages of magazine.

It's only through developing proper confidence that she could afford to be so magnanimously open about how she really appears.

The generous gesture to other women in revealing herself, flaws and all, arguably marks the total rehabilitation of her self-esteem. If the marker of confidence is self-acceptance there could be no better demonstration of the latter than to broadcast one's imperfections to the world. And to do so in the interest of making the rest of womankind more self-accepting? Well this makes her nothing short of a contemporary feminist heroine. Sylvia Pankhurst she may not be, but there's a courage to this new Ms Spears that few other pop pin-ups could ever lay claim to.

Source: Independent Woman

Britney releases un-airbrushed images

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 9:23 PM on 14th April 2010

Britney Spears bravely agrees
to release un-airbrushed images of herself
next to the digitally-altered versions

Celebrities, and the industry around them, are often accused of producing images that affect young people's body image.

Which is why it's so refreshing to see one of the world's most famous pop stars allowing all of their imperfections to be highlighted.

Britney Spears has allowed the pre-airbrushed images from a shoot she took part in for fashion firm Candie's to be used ALONGSIDE the digitally-altered ones, so people can see the difference.


Brave move: Britney Spears has allowed airbrushed images from her shoot to be released along with the original raw photos which show all her imperfections


The 29-year-old singer made the extraordinary move in order to highlight the pressure exerted on women to look perfect.

In the first shot, she is seen facing the camera with her arms behind her back.

Imperfections that can be clearly seen in the un-airbrushed shot include blemishes on her calf, her larger thighs and, if you look really closely, you can see her feet have dry skin on them.

The airbrushed pictures, however, tell a different story with a slimmed-down waist and flawless, skinny legs.

Meanwhile, in the second picture, she is seen from the back - in the un-airbrushed shot she has areas of cellulite on the back of her thighs, a tattoo on her lower back (sometimes called a 'tramp stamp') is clearly visible and her backside is a little out of shape.

However, in the altered photo all of these imperfections have been wiped out - and she appears to have a pert rear, unrealistically smooth skin, slimmer legs and the tattoo has vanished.


Shaping up: The pop star's whole body has been trimmed down with the use of a computer, even down to removing a tattoo on her back


A source told the Daily Mirror newspaper: 'Britney is proud of her body - imperfections and all.'

Of the experience, the singer told press: 'I had so much fun shooting the Candies for Kohl's campaign. My favorite set-up was against the gigantic wall of pink cotton candy.'

And she added: 'I got to wear the cutest clothes and they are perfect for summer!'

Comments (317)

Here's what readers have had to say so far.


Bravo Britney! Both pictures posted side by side so we can see how unrealistic she is made to be in the photoshoped one...I personnally perfer the first picture, it is natural and beautiful even with the flaws. We are human and all have flaws . I think it is unrealistic pressure for these ad agentcies to depict how a womens body should look. I think more celebrities should show the young girls of the world what a real woman looks like!

- Nat, somewhere, 15/4/2010 19:38


Well all I can say is it's about time someone stopped setting the bar so high for women young and old to strive for a perfection that is unrealistic and unatainable. As a mother of three daughters I see the impact the media has and it's representation of the perfect woman. With the pressure that has been placed on Britney over the years I have to say she has come a long way and with this move I can say I am proud of her and the choice she made to allow the photo's out for all to see. I think she is beautiful as she is. No airbrushing just the real woman. Yes, way to go Britney, and may many more like her follow and free up the pressure on our young girls, and let them worry about what realy matters in life and be happy with who they are, as they are. Catherine, Bridgewater NS

- Catherine Hellewell, Bridgewater NS Canada, 15/4/2010 5:14


She looks great in the 'before' pictures!

- Boris, london, 13/4/2010 16:34


Good for her! She's doing something positive here. Many women will look at this and think "Britney Spears has worse cellulite than I do!", and that's got to be a good thing. Be happy in the body you've been given. If you want to get rid of the cellulite, do what Britney has done; save the money on creams that don't work, and book yourself in for a professional photoshoot with digital retouching and enjoy your day! Life's too short to worry about such trivial things.

- Chris, Liverpool, UK, 13/4/2010 16:35


I really do hope that this starts a trend. And that eventually all mags/newspapers are one day forced by law to do the same thing whenever such seemingly flawless images are used to promote foods/films/drinks etc. Kids need to know about the tricks that cameras play!

- Jeremy, London, 13/4/2010 16:35


Finally this woman has done something we can respect her for. Now Cheryl Cole - it's your turn to step up to the mark. I demand no more 'lashes styled using lash inserts' on ANY mascara adverts. My generation (I'm 21) and below are growing up with the lowest views of themselves. Good on you Britters!

- Jo Sharp, Worthing, West Sussex, 13/4/2010 15:50


Way to go Brit. To be honest she looks great in both photos, Yes she has a bit of cellulite, a few bruises (she has got 2 kids that no doubt throw tantrums) but she has always had a complex about her body and this shows that she is overcoming it. To me it shows that she is getting back to being the Britney we "The Fans" love and have truly missed. I couldn't have a photo taken that was photo-shopped and then put the original next to it, this lady has guts. Keep going with the confidenve Brit.

- charlene, hampshire, 13/4/2010 15:52


Never liked Britney until now.

- simply_put, Las Vegas, NV, 13/4/2010 15:49


Well done Britney for showing your pictures and imperfections. Finally I feel normal!!!

- Natalie, Spain, 13/4/2010 16:09


A really brave thing for Britney to do and a really positive thing for young women everywhere to see a celebrity unairbrushed, well done Britney!

- Nicola, Manchester, 13/4/2010 16:09


fair play to her. We look at magazines and ads and feel rubbish because we know we'll never look like that. Its good to see some real imferfections at last. More celebrities should do things like this! I think she looks great in the untouched photos for a woman who's had two kids.

- princess, dublin, 13/4/2010 16:12


Haven't even read the article -- but Thanks Brittany! for the photos. I think she looks great in her 'real' photos. Hurray for REAL!!!!

- TracyEmm, CANADA CANADA, 13/4/2010 15:24


She looks so much better in the un-airbrushed photo's........A lot more real!! Let's hope others follow suit and 'airbrushing' is sent to the scrapheap!!

- Trevor R, Scotland, 13/4/2010 16:12


Well Done Britney! It is so easy to forget that a little airbrushing in a magazine can really alter a person's body substantially. She looks amazing and REAL in the unaltered images and it's about time girls and women stopped trying to aspire to body images that are not even real! I wish more celebrities were as courageous and naturally beautiful as Britney to allow unaltered images into the press. We salute you Britney!

- Jo, Midlands, 14/4/2010 20:03


OMG! The 2 pics are SO different! I loved her Candie's ad and thought they helped her a bit, but didn't think that much. Not saying her real bod looks bad but compared to the airbrushed one, it does. This kind of thing really DOES mess up WOMEN (it's not just young girls). They need to stop airbrushing celebs so much. It's not her real body, so why sell it to the public as if it is? It's just not right to completely distort it and let people go on thinking that celeb looks like that. Now when I see celebs looking perfect I will highly doubt it's them. Kudos to Brit for wanting to show the real one though. It makes me like her even more. She seems to be very mature now. I am far from being ugly, but almost every woman, beautiful or not, deals with not feeling they look good. Good on Britney.

- Tiffany, Florida, 13/4/2010 15:52


Thank you Britney!!!!!!!!!!! My bum isn't far off Britneys REAL one but I always think it should be like the airbrushed one. Well done for showing us we can be NORMAL!

- Rachel, Bristol, 13/4/2010 16:22


wow she's so brave! well done Britney! young generations need this and I'm so happy for you,you don't care what people will talk about you, even judge. For the negative comments: I don't know why you like seeing bad things instead of good things.... If we want to change the world we should change ourselves first.

- Noor, bahrain, 14/4/2010 20:58


I am no fan of Britney but I admire her for doing this. Maybe impressionable young girls will start to take notice of the real world full of real women with imperfections, and accept themselves and their bodies for what they are. Well done Britney!

- Rachel, Spain, 13/4/2010 16:19


Good for Britney, other celebs should join in. Airbrushing messes with peoples minds especially those who are younger and impressionable. It sends the wrong message out that looking false ,plasticated ,unaturally enchanced ,emaciated is something to strive towards.

- Lowen, the ocelot pit, mossley /filey, 13/4/2010 15:45


Bravo Britney! Both pictures posted side by side so we can see how unrealistic she is made to be in the photoshoped one...I personnally perfer the first picture, it is natural and beautiful even with the flaws. We are human and all have flaws . I think it is unrealistic pressure for these ad agentcies to depict how a womens body should look. I think more celebrities should show the young girls of the world what a real woman looks like!

- Nat, somewhere, 15/4/2010 19:38


She looks amazing with the untouched picture. She really doesnt look like she has any imperfection. Both pictures look the same no difference at all. She has healthy beautiful body and she should embrace it well. Shame on these magazines promoting fake and blastic.

- Salma, London, 13/4/2010 15:32


She's hot even in the before. They basically airbrush her to a prepubescent state. Gross, but everyone expects it now. I'm proud of her.

- Camille, Calgary, Canada, 14/4/2010 17:02


Thank you Britney for doing this. There is no such thing as a perfect body. Maybe if the entertainment world would be honest of what people really look like, people would not have so many eating disorders, poor self-esteem, always wanting to change what we have or what we think we dont have. Keep up the good works for all the people that follow you and your life endeavors. Teach your children to love themselfs just as they are.

- Kay Robinson, Albuquerque, NM, 14/4/2010 17:15


I have a new found respect for Britney Spears. I think air-brushed humans look terrible in photos, unreal and abnormal. I do a lot of work with Photoshop myself, and I tend to see air-brushing and bad photo editing before I actually notice the content of the photo itself. You wouldn't believe how prolific it is.

- Polly, Yorkshire, 13/4/2010 17:15


for once Britney i praise you!

- pink sox, Madchester!, 13/4/2010 17:13


Not a huge fan of the Brit but I'm impressed that she's done this photo shoot. Also I'm very pleased to know that celebs do infact have backsides like the rest of us mortals!

- Rosie, Hampshire, 13/4/2010 16:14


Wow, nice to see someone own up to their imperfections, or perfections. She looks normal. I think it's unrealistic what they do to sell magazines, and then create body issues for women all over the world who think that they need to look like these 'fixed' images. It is what it is. I think with all the airbrushing that goes into celebrity photos, we could all be 'stars' and be on the cover of magazines, looking realistically "Imperfect".

- Karen, Canada, 13/4/2010 15:39


Congrautlations Britney! You've come a long way! I think it's GREAT that she allowed the untouched photos to be released. Women even in their 30's and older look for unrealistic expections with their bodies.

- Amanda, Collierville, Tn, USA, 14/4/2010 17:26


Welldone Britters! haven't been your biggest fan but this is a great move, puts stars, photographers and magazines to shame.... Thing is, airbrushing is SO obvious why do magazines think we are going to be fooled??

- Alison, Secret Southener, 13/4/2010 15:49


This is brilliant, I don't care about whether she's got make up on because I can do that, but I can't walk around with a computer graphics specialist altering my image down the street can I? Well done to her, PR move maybe but so? Must take a lot to do this and it needs to be happening more. No matter how much I tell myself "These women are airbrushed" I still find myself thinking "How can I ever look like that?" Excellent move Britney!

- J, Fnd, 14/4/2010 19:08


Good for her! Very brave girl doing this, i'm none too sure i'd have the guts to do the same if i was in her shoes! Hopefully it will show all these impressionable young girls that the media image of celebrities is just that - an image, and they aren't any more perfect than the rest of us.

- Ellen, London UK, 13/4/2010 15:58


For more comments, go to the source of this article.

Source: Dialy Mail

Unreleased Britney Spears Songs (Part 5)

This is a list of producers that Britney Spears
has worked with, 
but have never had their work released.
A list of unreleased and leaked tracks is also listed.

This information has been compiled from various sources over the years and is accurate.

- PART 5 -
Unreleased Songs

Detailed list of unreleased and leaked Britney Spears songs.
Only officially confirmed songs are listed.


Below is an estimated amount of songs that Britney has recorded over the years and an estimated amount of how many are unreleased.


1 by Shanks & Bigfoot
3 by Full Force, estimated
15 other: Estimated
18 unreleased


Estimated 10 unreleased


3 by Fred Durst
3 by Guy Chambers
2 by Shep Solloman
3 by Bloodshy & Avant
1 by DFA
1 by The Neptunes
1 by Rodney Jerkins
3 by 7 Aurelius
2 by The Matrix
1 by Robert ‘Big Bert’ Smith
1 by Wade Robson
2 by P. Diddy
1 by Redzone,
10 other producers

Estimated 34 unreleased


Estimated 15 unreleased
("Original Doll" sessions and songs recorded in 2005)


2 by T-Pain
6 by J.R. Rotem
2 by Steve Anderson
3 by Sean Garrett
1 by Nate Hills
1 by Gavin Bradley
2 by Dr. Luke
1 by Cathy Dennis
1 by Phat Rat
1 by Jim Jonsin
1 by Swizz Beatz
1 by Polow da Don
1 by Bryan Michael-Cox
1 by Christopher “Tricky” Stewart
4 by The Runners
1 by Ne-Yo
15 by other producers

Estimated 46 unreleased


Other (unreleased collaborations, albums etc.)

Estimated 10 unreleased

Based on comments by producers and the amount of songs Britney usually records for and between albums, there is an estimated amount of 114 songs/demos that Britney has recorded but remain completely unreleased. The reasons for certain songs not being released is possibly that her record label feels that the unreleased songs stray too far from the style of dance/pop she's known for-for example, "Luv The Hurt Away" is heavily R&B, "Guilty" is very techno/trance, and "Just Yesterday" is an acoustic song - all of these songs stray from mainstream dance/pop and sound like nothing on any of her albums. Her label seems to try to have her work with producers that will create something innovative and different for her, but they only release material that will limit her to a certain style of music without letting her experiment too much on her albums, possibly fearing that what she releases might not be mainstream or radio-friendly enough to become hits.


"Britney" Era

"Turn On The Night"

Confirmed in 2001. Rumored to be produced by Max Martin.

"Bring Me Home"

Confirmed by Britney in 2001, has said it was her favorite song off of the album and was said to have more of an organic/rock vibe. Rumored to be produced by BT. Source

"Baby Can't You See"

Produced by The Neptunes, confirmed on their official site. Is said to be the first ballad the Neptunes ever produced.


"I'm Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman" (Alternate Version)

Co-writer Dido had said that the original version of this song had much darker lyrics, but they were revised. It's unknown if a version with the original lyrics was recorded or not.

"It's A Small World"

Originally listed on the 2002 Disneymania album tracklisting was a cover of "It's A Small World" by Britney. The tracklisting was changed before it's release and it's unknown if this was a mistake or if Britney did record this song. Source

Britney sang four unreleased songs live on her 'Dream Within A Dream' tour. They all had a jazz/lounge feel and are said to be written by Spears. Audio of the songs is available on various fan sites.

"Weakness" - It was rumored that Britney recorded a studio version of this song for "In The Zone" produced by Dan Kenney, although this was never confirmed.
"You Were My Home"
"Mystic Man"
"My Love Was Always There"


"In The Zone" Era

The following songs are officially registered on EMI Music Publishing but remain unreleased.


Written by Guy Chambers, Cathy Dennis, and Britney Spears. Source


Written by Christian Karlsson (Bloodshy), Cathy Dennis, and Britney Spears. Source


Written by Guy Chambers, Cathy Dennis, and Britney Spears. Rumored to be produced by Guy Chambers and Cathy Dennis. Source


Written by James Harry, Bale M AW Muhammad, Reza Safinia, Sheppard J Solomon, and Britney Spears. Rumored to be produced by James Harry and Shep Solomon. Source

"When I Say So"
Written by Brian Kierful, Britney Spears, Joshua M Schwartz, and Brian Wayne Transeau (BT). Was originally recorded in 2001 for the "Britney" album and later re-recorded for "In The Zone," but was never released. Originally titled "'Til I Say So." Described as "Upper-mid tempo, new-school break-beat track, with guitars and live drums."


One of the tracks produced by Fred Durst.

"I Need You Tonight"

Duet with Fred Durst, cover of INXS song.


Produced by Sheppard Solomon. He described it as a ballad sounding like "Coldplay meets Massive Attack."

"Watch What Ya Shakin"

Britney's second collaboration with the Ying Yang Twins. Was confirmed by them in a 2004 radio interview. It's been rumored to sound similar to the Ying Yang Twin's hit with Lil' Jon "Get Low."



"And Then We Kiss" (Original Version)

Original version produced by Mark Taylor. Original mix of the song was to be released on the UK and Japan versions of the "Britney and Kevin: Chaotic" DVD bonus disc, but was taken off. The only version of the song released is the Junkie XL remix on 'B In The Mix: The Remixes.' Despite this, it's speculated that there's only one version of this song.

"Me Against The Music" (Alternate Versions)

There were three different versions of "Me Against The Music" with slightly different instrumentals and vocals before the version with Madonna was released. They featured Penelope Magnet (of production team RedZone, who produced the song) on them. Only a remix of the version without Madonna has been released.

"Shadow" (Alternate Versions)

There was originally rumored to be a trip-hop version of this song before it was made into a ballad. There was also a rumored Spanish version recorded, called "Sombra," but both remain unreleased.


"Greatest Hits: My Prerogative" Era

"Giving It Up For Love"

Produced by Scott Storch. Written by Britney Spears, Kara DioGuardi, Scott Storch, and Robert Waller.



Songs recorded in between "Greatest Hits: My Prerogative" and "Blackout."

"Money Love And Happiness"

Written by Bell Michelle Lynn, Nadir Khayat, Nanna Emelie Martorell, and Britney Spears.


Written by Bell Michelle Lynn, Britney Spears, and Nanna Kristiansson.

"Take Off"

Written by Bell Michelle Lynn, Britney Spears, Christian Karlsson, and Pontus Johan Winnberg (Bloodshy & Avant).

"Like I'm Fallin"

Written by Bell Michelle Lynn and Britney Spears.

"Blackout" Era

"All The Way"

Produced by Dr. Luke and Cathy Dennis; written by Lukasz Gottwald/Cathy Dennis/Jack Splash. "Dr. Luke talked to US Weekly and told them his song with Britney is, “a feel good, upbeat song,” and the song is called, “All the Way.” Source

"Who Can She Trust"

Produced by Jonathon "J.R." Rotem.

"But she shifts gears for “Who Can She Trust,” an introspective composition the producer says Spears wrote herself. Over a “snap music” hip-hop beat accompanied by the sound of a camera shutter clicking she sings, “Where am I?/ Where will I find my face?/ Where will I find my faith?” May 2006 Source


Produced by T-Pain.

"One Of A Kind"

Produced by T-Pain.


Written by Keri Hilson.

"Impossible" (Written by Ne-Yo)

"He also spoke about the songs he has been writing for the record, saying he has been working closely with her A&R people, avoiding songs that are about her ex-husband. "I don't want to give away too much, but I wrote one song for her called "Impossible," and it’s basically saying nothing is impossible. She's like the underdog right now. Everybody is really questioning her. Does she have the mental stability to do it again? One of my favourite lyrics in the song is "doubt me, I want you to. I want you to think I’m drowning in myself, but baby know after what I’ve been through, lessons learned, stories told, I know that nothing is impossible."
Source .

"State of Grace"

Produced by Steve Anderson. Full demo version leaked in October 2007.


Confirmed and produced by Steve Anderson. Written by Britney Spears, Lisa Greene, and Steve Anderson. Source . Steve Anderson has commented on the tracks he produced, saying he is "incredibly proud of and she sounds incredible on" Source.

"Beautiful Night"

Written by Billy Crawford. Confirmed by him in interview (see "Blackout Era" article above).

"Pull Out" (featuring Lil' Jon)

"Sean Garrett confirmed a new song, entitled "Pull Out", with Lil' Jon's collaboration." The demo version of this song without Lil' Jon's vocals has been leaked onto the internet. Source Written by Sean Garett and Jonathan Smith (Lil' Jon). Source


Produced by RedZone. Written by Christopher Stewart, Thabiso Nkhereanye, Penelope Magnet, and Britney Spears. March 2007 Source

"Welcome To Me"

Written by Wade Robson, Sager Carole Bayer, and Britney Spears. Registered in 2007, although it was possibly meant for "Britney." Source

The following songs were registered in April 2007 in Monthly Report. They can be viewed here on page 60 (PDF file). "Pull It" is also listed.

"Kiss You All Over"

Written by Sean Garrett, other writers unknown. Produced by Brian Kidd.

"Red Carpet"

Written by Sean Garrett, other writers TBD (to be decided).


Written by Sean Garrett, other writers unknown.

"To Love Let Go"

Written by Tom Craskey, Britney Spears, Devo Springesteen. Produced by Devo Springesteen. Demo leaked in October 2007, and was later posted on Springsteen's official My Space. Source

"Untitled Lullabye"

Written by William Anderson and Britney Spears. Possibly the leaked demo known as "Baby Boy." Source


Written by Belmatti Joe, Hansen Mich Hedin, Sigvardt Mikkel, and Tennant Lorne Allstair. January 2008 Source


Cover of "Trouble" by Elvis Presley. A clip of it was heard at the beginning of her 2007 VMA Performance. A studio version of the clip has been released since then.


Unconfirmed Tracks

These were the tracks rumored to be produced by William Orbit for "In The Zone."

In early 2003, there was an article in US Weekly that had "a small piece titled "Britney's Next Big Move" which just talks about her working on her next album and for the first time mentions two working song titles are "It's Funny Now" and "You Thought Wrong". These songs were rumored to be produced by William Orbit. After this article was published on a track titled "Another Girl" was registered. It was written by Cathy Dennis, Steve Morales, and an Unknown writer. This song was also rumored to be produced by him for "In The Zone."

"Oh Baby Baby (Let's Do This Tonight)" is a rumored track produced by Jellybean Johnson for "In The Zone." It includes some vocals cut from other Britney songs. Rumored to sound similar to Madonna's "Up Down Suite". It's known that this song is almost 15 minutes long.

"Outta Control" - Said to be recorded for "Britney" or "In The Zone." No further information available.

This song was rumored to be recorded by Britney in 2004, possibly for the unreleased "Original Doll" album. It was written and recorded by Kylie Minogue, although her version remains unreleased.

"Spears reportedly recently heard a song called "You Blow Hot And Cold" and liked it so much she wanted to record it for her forthcoming album. She didn't know that the Australian star wrote the song until Kylie said she could record the single, reports quoting New! magazine. A source close to Spears said, "She is over the moon that, for the first time, she is being allowed to pick the songs for her new album."

- Fall 2004

This song was rumored to be performed by Britney in her 2007 MTV Performance, but was never officially confirmed. The interview with her publicist talking about the song was never confirmed to be official.

"Cry" (also known as "Tear")

"In addition to "Gimme More," she is expected to sing the as-yet-unreleased song "Cry," says the newspaper."

- September 2007

If you got to hear any of Britney's new song before getting fired what was it like?
"My answer is that I heard 5 of Britney's recorded songs and they all sound like Britney, but more grown-up. Now I warn you if "Tear" makes the cut no one will listen to that song without crying." Interview with Britney's former publicist in

- August 2007


Unreleased Collaborations

Below is a list of officially confirmed collaborations that are unreleased.

Untitled duet with Dionne Warwick

"Meanwhile, Warwick is putting the finishing touches on her new album for the Concord label -- featuring duets with Britney Spears, Gladys Knight and her cousin, Whitney Houston."

- Spring 2006

"The legendary lady of song is celebrating her 45th year in music with a world tour and is putting the finishing touches on an upcoming CD of duets of her hits performed with Gladys Knight, Jill Scott, Britney Spears, Kelly Rowland, Kelis, Chante/Moore, Angie Stone, Deborah Cox, Mya and Wynonna Judd."

- March 30, 2006

"I Was Born To Love You" - Duet with Eric Carmen

Recorded during Britney's "Dream Within A Dream Tour" in early 2002. Although unreleased, official sheet music of this song is available at


Listed below are collaborations that Britney
was meant to or considered to appear on,
but were refused by her record label.

"Nobody Wants To Be Lonely" (performed by Ricky Martin and Christina Aguilera)

Originally meant to be a duet for Ricky Martin and Britney.

- Source currently unavailabe.

"Tilt Ya Head Back" (performed by Nelly and Christina Aguilera)

"Dorian Moore, the producer of Nelly's "Tilt Ya Head Back," told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that the song was originally meant to be a duet for Nelly and Britney Spears, but that Jive, Spears' label, pulled out because the song sounded too "urban."

- October 2004 Source


Unreleased Albums

Original Doll album

In late December 2004, Britney appeared on a radio station to premiere a demo of a new song titled "Mona Lisa." She gave an interview there, saying she was halfway done recording her next album "The Original Doll" and it would be released very soon. Her record label released a statement saying that Britney was in the "early stages" of recording a new album. They apparently were furious that she played unreleased material on the radio, and the album went unreleased. It's speculated that the album had a very electro-pop feel, but Britney decided not to release it when she became pregnant with her first child. It's also thought that Jive wanted to scrap the entire project and have Britney record a new album.

Unreleased Christmas Album

Posted on in December 2005 (Bill Pollard's blog): "A few buddies and I ran across a promo that Jive Records hopes to become a record. Britney Spears, a few years back, recorded a few rough tracks, which were to become a Christmas album of some sorts. Who knows what happened. But the few tracks on the demo that I heard were promising. Word to Jive Records: "We need new Britney music, if not for sales, for the fans!"

Greatest Remixes

Listed on in 2005 with description "Japanese exclusive! Britney Spears' first remix album. Jive. 2005." Source Another description of the album says "2005 Japanese 17-track CD album collecting together the remixes of Britney's hits, includes 'Oops! I Did It Again' , 'Toxic' , 'I'm A Slave For U' and 'My Prerogative' , picture sleeve plus obi-strip, more details to follow." It was originally scheduled for release on May 25, 2005. Source It was most likely cancelled when Jive decided
to release Britney's remix album worldwide later that year. Although unreleased, it's still listed as an import on many official music retail sites. All of the remixes on the album were previously released.

Official tracklisting:

01. My Prerogative (X-Press 2 Dub)
02. Toxic (Bloodshy & Avant's Remix)
03. I'm A Slave 4 U (The Light Remix)
04. Oops!... I Did It Again (Jack D.Elliot Club Mix)
05. Me Against The Music (Feat. Madonna) (Scott Storch Remix)
06. Stronger (Pablo La Rosa's Tranceformation Edit)
07. Everytime (Valentin Remix)
08. Baby One More Time (Sharp Trade Club Mix)
09. (You Drive Me) Crazy (Jazzy Jim's Hip-Hop Mix)
10. Sometimes (Soul Solution Mid-Tempo Remix)
11. Overprotected (Riprock 'N Alex G Remix)
12. Lucky (Jason Navins Mixshow Edit)
13. Outrageous (R. Kelly Remix)
14. Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know (Thunderpuss Radio Mix)
15. Born To Make You Happy (Bonus Remix)
16. I'm Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman (Chocolate Puma Remix)
17. Do Somethin' (DJ Monk's Radio Edit)

Leaked Tracks

List of tracks that have never been officially released but have leaked onto the internet.

"She'll Never Be Me"

Leaked in 2002. Was going to be a B-Side on the import "Overprotected" CD-Single, but was taken off before it was released. The song leaked onto the internet, although it's said to be incomplete. Written by Alex John Greggs, Bradley Daymond Ralph, Britney Spears, and Justin Timberlake.


Leaked in October 2004. Was said to be recorded for 'In The Zone' and was rumored to leak in a very small file-sharing network. Rumored to be produced by Quentin Harris. Written by Joseph Belmaati, Mich Hansen, Bale Wa M Muhammad, and Britney Spears.

"Get It"/"DFA Demo"

Demo version of the track Britney worked on with DFA in 2003 leaked in January 2006.

"Luv The Hurt Away" (featuring Full Force)

R&B ballad with strong vocals recorded in 1999 or 2000 for "Oops!...I Did It Again."

- Posted on Full Force's official website.

"Little Me (Just Yesterday)"/"For My Sister" (Clip)

An acoustic song posted on Britney's official site in early 2006, was said to be dedicated to her sister. Only a clip of the song had been posted and it remains unreleased.

"Rebellion" (Clip)

Upbeat hip-hop vibed song posted on Britney's official site in June 2006, and again in November 2006 with a slightly-faster beat and vocals.


"Early Mornin'" (Explicit Version)

This version replaces "it" with "shit" in the chorus and has deeper vocals.

Listed below are demo tracks (original titles were unofficial and aren't the original song titles) from a demo CD that leaked from August to October 2007. Many of the tracks appear on Spears' "Blackout" album.

"Cold As Fire"
(Demo version of "Hot As Ice")
"Been A While"
(Demo version of "Break The Ice")
(Demo version of "Heaven on Earth")
"Got Me High"
(Demo version of "Perfect Lover")
"Everybody" (Demo Version)
"A Song About U"
(Demo version of "Outta This World")
"Fillin' Me Up"
(Demo version of "Ooh Ooh Baby")
"Get Naked" or "We Can Do It (Get Naked)"
(Demo version of "Get Naked (I Got A Plan)")
"Radar" (Demo version)
"Get Back" (Demo version)
"Stupid Things"
(Demo version of "Why Should I Be Sad")

The demo versions of "Hot As Ice" and "Get Naked" aren't censored like the album versions are.

The songs below leaked during this time but have never been officially released:

"Baby Boy"
"Kiss You All Over" (Produced by Brian Kidd)
"Hooked On" (leaked as "Sugarfall") (Produced by The Neptunes)
"Pull Out" (Produced by Sean Garrett)
"State of Grace" (Produced by Steve Anderson)
"Let Go" (Demo version of "To Love Let Go")

"Tell Me What You're Sippin' On" (featuring AC)
- this track was produced by RedZone and was recorded for "In The Zone."
It was supposed be a track on the US "In The Zone" DVD Bonus Disc, but the tracklisting was changed at last minute and it was taken off. It was later registered to ASCAP as “Sippin’ On” in August 2005. A new version featuring rapper AC was leaked in September 2007.

Written by Britney Spears, Michelle Dorian Hardnett, Thabiso Nkhereanye, and Christopher Stewart.


Source: Wikibin

Unreleased Britney Spears Songs (Part 4)

This is a list of producers that Britney Spears
has worked with, 
but have never had their work released.
A list of unreleased and leaked tracks is also listed.

This information has been compiled from various sources over the years and is accurate.

- PART 4 -

"Britney Spears was offered the chance to record "Umbrella," before Rihanna made it a number one hit - but the pop princess turned it downAmerican music producer Tricky Stewart - who created the track - has confessed Spears was given first option on the song. He made the revelation to British singer/songwriter Taio Cruz. Cruz says, "I was working with Tricky in his studio the day he finished Umbrella. As soon as I heard it I said, 'That is a smash, I have to have it,' but he told me it was on hold for Britney."

"He waited but Britney's people never called him back."

- August 2007


Also worked on an unreleased "Blackout" track titled "RockStar."

Steve Anderson

"Steve Anderson of UK production team, Metro, who produced "Breathe On Me" on "In The Zone," and who has worked extensively with Australian popstar, Kylie Minogue, has confirmed he has cut two tracks with Britney Spears for her fifth album, entitled "Grow" (which was registered on ASCAP earlier this month) and "State Of Grace," both of which he is "incredibly proud of and she sounds incredible on," however he adds there has been no confirmation as to whether or not they have made the album yet."

- July 2007


The Runners

"The childhood friends are set to work on forthcoming CDs from Kelly himself and the newly shorn Britney Spears."

- April 2006

"According to the July issue of The Source magazine, Hip-Hop duo and producers The Runners have produced 4 tracks for Britney's new album. They are also expecting to have Britney in their studio in Orlando at the end of July to finish up some vocal recordings."

- July 2007


Devo Springsteen

It's unknown how many tracks Devo Springsteen has recorded with Britney.
The track they worked on together, "To Love Let Go," has been leaked onto the internet.

"With tracks for Common, Britney Spears and a bouncing Prince-funk production for Aretha Franklin online for 2007, he's in the race."

- August 1, 2007


R. Kelly

"I'm writing for Mariah Carey and Britney Spears at the moment."

- August 2007



"She has another music genius on her side: R&B sensation, Ne-Yo. The multi-platinum recording artist, is writing songs for Spears — eight so far. Ne-Yo says if there's one word that will be absent from any lyric he writes it's: Kevin Federline. "Her A&R people told me, 'No more songs about Kevin.' That's what they told me coming in the door. 'We don't need no songs about Kevin … just write Britney Spears songs,' " Ne-Yo tells The ShowBuzz. "They'll be songs about all the controversy, then, you know, aside from all that, they'll be just regular quality songs. Songs about love, songs about hate, songs about whatever." The sought after songwriter, who penned Beyonce's recent hit "Irreplaceable," is also working on tracks for Whitney Houston's comeback album. His debut album "In My Own Words" is an international hit, selling over 2 million in the United States and 3 million worldwide.

He says the sound of Spears' new album won't deviate too far from what we've heard from her in the past. "She's trying to cross a few lines, she's got some stuff that's kinda R&B-ish, some stuff that's very pop-ish, some stuff that's almost a little electronica sounding," he says. "I think, judging just off the music that I've heard — because I've heard some of the other stuff she's done with other producers — I think that she might have a shot at coming back. If she can just get her personal life out of the way, I think she has a shot at coming back." He's confident that Spears' future will be bright. "I think that once people remember what it is that made them love Britney in the first place, that everything will be alright," he says."

- Februay 2007

"R&B singer Ne-Yo has written a string of songs for troubled pop star Britney Spears, but may end up giving the tracks to The Pussycat Dolls frontwoman Nicole Scherzinger. The "So Sick" hitmaker, 24, has written tunes for Spears, Whitney Houston, Celine Dion and Rihanna, among others, but admits the Toxic singer may not get her hands of some of the songs he originally created for her.
Ne-Yo, real name Shaffer Chimere Smith, originally said he would wait for Spears to deal with her demons after she failed to attend scheduled studios sessions between the pair earlier this year. He explains, "We set up no less than four sessions for Britney to just come and listen to the songs I wrote for her. She never showed up. "I think they want me to hold these songs that I've written until she finishes going through her thing. But a couple might be perfect for The Pussycat Dolls' Nicole Scherzinger, so..."

- March 2007

"I have no idea what's going on with Britney Spears. The last thing I heard is that Britney was mad at me over some songs that were supposed to go to her, but wound up going to Nicole Scherzinger (of Pussycat Dolls). I was working with Britney Spears' people. I wrote 6 to 8 songs for Britney Spears. Then Britney goes ahead and shaves her head, goes into rehab and when that happened I lost all contact with her A&R people, with her label. I was calling them, they weren't answering my calls. So in the process of all that going on, that's when I met Nicole Scherzinger. I played her two songs, she loved them, they cut the check and she recorded the songs. So when that happened that's when Britney's people called and said ' why are you giving away Britney's songs' and I say 'uh, hold on..y'all didn't cut me a check.'"

- August 2007

The songs "Happily Never After" and "Save Me From Myself" were originally written by Ne-Yo for Britney, but were given to Nicole Scherzinger.
He also wrote a song for her titled "Impossible"



Britney recorded three songs with T-Pain, only one was released ("Hot As Ice").

"Britney Spears has had her people holla at him for some tracks for her next album. "I think they're just calling a bunch of producers and saying, 'Do something for Britney,' " he said. "I'm going to keep her sound poppy."

- March 2006

"T-Pain has written and produced two tracks for Spears, titled "Boyfriend" and "Cold As Fire." "They are rebellious songs," says T-Pain, 20, born Faheem Najim. "It's her letting everybody know she doesn't care about all the crap going on in the media."

- June 2007

"Pain describes the pop superstar as normal. So normal they were able to knock out three songs — "Cold as Fire," [later renamed "Hot As Ice"] "Boyfriend" and "One of a Kind" — in a short amount of time."

- August 2007


Timbaland and Justin Timberlake

The super-producer told MTV News during VMA weekend that a prospective team-up between the two would be "the best thing that ever happened" and would "help her out a whole lot." But he then dismissed the possibility, saying in so many words that Brit has become big-headed and had dissed him and Justin. "It'll never happen. Nah. It could've, but it won't. Timbaland previously said he got close to working with the singer, telling Entertainment Weekly in March, "I just want to take her away, go overseas and work out. ... I asked Justin, 'How would you feel about me working with Britney?' ... 'Would you do it with me?' " Timbaland told the magazine that JT was willing to get involved at the time. "She's just gotta be serious." Now Timbo has even more advice to give her about getting her career back on track. "She needs a story," he said. "She has no comeback story. That's the problem. She has to have a team. She needs to come back with Justin doing records; 'She went back to her ex and she's making smashes.'

- September 2007


Dallas Austin

Britney met Dallas Austin in September 2007 and has been said to have worked with him after this.

"Producer Dallas Austin spoke with about his work with Britney Spears."



"Amerie has tried to work with 25-year-old Britney in the past, but said the timing wasn’t right. “She wasn’t in the right place and the song [possibly "Gotta Work"] went on my album. If she wants to do something I would totally be there. If we did I’m sure it would be great and a lot of fun.”

- September 2007


In September 2007, producer Sean Garrett said in an interview that the unreleased track "Pull It" would feature Lil' Jon.



Keane were asked to work with Britney, but declined.

"Keyboardist Tim Rice-Oxley explains to The Mirror, “We turned down Britney Spears.
After the Gwen thing we were offered a lot of work."

- October 2007



The work the Freemasons produced for Britney is most likely only a remix, but this hasn't been confirmed.

"They even put both Britney Spears and Donna Summer on hold."

- November 2007


Unconfirmed Producers/Collaborations

Many of these were reported by news or tabloid websites
and are most likely fake.

Natasha Bedingfield

"She has approached a number of people to submit songs and Natasha was high on the list of those she's keen to work with. "Britney is constantly looking for more grown-up pop and that is exactly what Natasha manages."

- October 2004


Enrique Iglesias

"Although Enrique Iglesias has written a tune for the next Britney album, they won't be joining forces on the track... why? The super slick Latino singer and actor has duetted with the likes of Whitney Houston and rap star Kelis. However, the multi-talented musician has been penning tunes for many other stars, including the lovely Britney. He told my spies: "She loved at least three of the tracks for which I am delighted, but we both agreed that singing together would be a definite no no at this stage in our careers." Instead Britney would like to team up with Usher on the track, it's called "As Far As The Eye Can See"... But will Usher be too busy?"

- March 2005


Har Mar Superstar

"Har Mar said he wrote a song called "Tall Boys" for Paris Hilton's debut album, but it came in too late to make the cut. Now — according to Har Mar, at least — the song has made its way to Britney Spears' people. "I guess Britney's way into it," Superstar said of the track, which he described as "super funky." (Spears' spokesperson did not return calls for comment, and even Har Mar's management said the Brit connection was news to them.)"

- May 2005


Disco D

Britney was said to have worked with him in July 2005 while he was producing tracks for her ex-husband's album.



"The famous musical producer Diddy said that a few weeks ago Britney Spears called him herself with the intention of producing a new song for her. Diddy said: "I dont have any problem working with Britney, she's a great artist." This was posted on in September 2005.

- September 12, 2005


Stuart Price

It was rumored that Britney wanted him to write for her in late 2005.

Peer Astrom

"The singer has nabbed hit making duo BLOODSHY & AVANT and writer-producer PEER ASTROM after being impressed by their work on Madge’s hit comeback album Confessions On A Dancefloor. And she has told her new musical crew that she wants her next release to feature songs that are “a cross between Madonna and KYLIE with an electronic edge.”

- December 2005



"Britney Spears is looking towards Dido to pen songs for a new album, a Jive Records source tells Neil Sean of Sky News. "They have history after Dido wrote 'I'm Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman' for a previous album," the insider said. Neil says Dido had great things to say about the pregnant pop princess. "She was the sweetest thing. I totally enjoyed the experience of working with her," Dido said."

- May 2006



Rumored to have worked with Britney in 2006.

Pet Shop Boys

"Britney Spears is collaborating with the Pet Shop Boys on her new album. The 25-year-old singer is determined to return to the charts with an edgy new sound and wants British electro pop duo Chris Lowe and Neil Tennant to help. A source said: “She heard the remixes they did for Madonna and was blown away. She hopes they can weave some of their magic on her tracks too.”

- January 2007


"Contrary to what we reported yesterday, it turns out that the Pet Shop Boys are in fact not working with Britney Spears.

A comment on the Pet Shops Boys' official website, under the heading 'Setting the record straight', denies any collaboration and simply reads that the story 'isn't true.'

- February 2007


Justin Timberlake

"Britney was extremely touched that Justin had been in contact. Going into the studio is Justin’s way of helping her get better,” a source says. The pair are planning to visit a L.A. recording studio with Timbaland to re-record the Motown classic “You’re All I Need to Get By” - originally a hit for Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell in 1968."

- March 28, 2007


Marilyn Monroe

"The troubled star plans to boost her ailing career by performing with the movie icon - who died more than four decades ago - on a previously unreleased Marilyn song called "Down Boy." Lance Bass, 28, a former member of Britney's ex-lover Justin Timberlake's band *NSYNC, has reportedly secured the rights to the song and thinks it would be perfect for Britney. A source told Britain's Daily Star newspaper: "Lance wants Britney to sing with Marilyn on the track, like Natalie Cole did on Unforgettable with her dad Nat King Cole."

- May 10, 2007


Source: Wikibin

Unreleased Britney Spears Songs (Part 3)

This is a list of producers that Britney Spears
has worked with, 
but have never had their work released.
A list of unreleased and leaked tracks is also listed.

This information has been compiled from various sources over the years and is accurate.

- PART 3 -
Unconfirmed Producers/Collaborations

Timbaland and Tweet

In July 2003, a fan site for R&B singer Tweet reported that Britney recorded a duet with her and Timbaland titled "More Than You Know." The song was said to be produced by Timbaland. In August 2003, after fake lyrics were reported, the webmaster wrote:

"It was earlier reported on Tweet News that Tweet and Timbaland did a collaboration with Britney Spears for Britney's next album. The information given to me by Francesco Oppliger was correct except for the lyrics. It turns out that he gave me false information regarding the lyrics. However, the song 'More Then You Know' is a real song that will be featured on Britney Spears' next album, and Tweet is on it."

It was also rumored that Britney wanted the album to be called "More Than You Know" at this time, but none of this information has ever been officially confirmed.

Blackout Era


"Just a few years after helping make a star out of Chingy, the hitmakers are dividing their studio time between the likes of Ludacris, Britney Spears and 50 Cent."

- January 2005 Source


Miri Ben-Ari

"Now her mash-up of hip-hop and classical music has led to collaborations with pop divas Mariah Carey and Britney Spears."

- July 2005 Source


Cathy Dennis

"Remember Toxic written by Cathy Dennis? Well, three tracks have already been submitted by her pen."


"Bradley's beats for Spears have a chipper, infectious feel influenced by '80s electro."

- January 2006


Bob Rock

"During her stay in Maui, Spears has started working on a new album with Hawaii-based Metallica producer Bob Rock, due out in November."

- March 2006


Quincy Jones

"Spears is rumored ready to pursue Quincy Jones to help revamp her musical sound into something funkier, more mature."

- March 2006


SoulPower UK

Peter Biker and Karsten Delgado (Daahlgaard), otherwise known as SoulPower UK, are currently writing and producing tracks to be submitted for Britney's fifth album. The duo have recently produced and co-written "It's OK!" for Liberty X and "Better" for Sugababes, as well as Jamelia's "Thank You." In addition to their own tracks, they are also going to be collaborating with Cathy Dennis ("Toxic," "Showdown") on potential tracks for the album.

- April 2006


Sean Garrett

Britney recorded at least seven tracks with Sean Garrett, only one has been released ("Toy Soldier") and two have leaked ("Kiss You All Over" and "Pull Out"). 
Two other confirmed tracks he worked on are "Red Carpet" and "Love"

"In December 2006, Sean Garrett talked about Britney's upcoming album saying that it would be "incredible". He defined the seven tracks that they've done as "exciting, aggressive, and fun". He added that they were "definitely getting back to the basics and trying to make the world dance and sing to her beat". In April, Sean Garrett told PEOPLE magazine, "I'm working with Britney. It's really coming together right now. I know she'll do exceptionally well now that she's out of rehab. Her new album is like Toxic times 10. It's going to be a lot of fun and it's really exciting. We did a lot of great work before her break. Britney is a superstar. She definitely knows how to handle herself, but it's tough sometimes. The pressure sometimes gets to you, but I think she has done such a great job keeping her composure under the circumstances.

- December 2006 and April 2007


Britney had worked on seven tracks with J.R. Rotem, only one was released (the I-Tunes exclusive and Japan import bonus track "Everybody"). Another confirmed track, "Who Can She Trust," was recorded.

Rihanna's "Push Up On Me," which was produced by Rotem, was originally to be given to Britney, but the track was sold to her when Britney entered rehab in spring 2007 (many of the tracks on her album "Good Girl Gone Bad" were also originally meant for Britney).

"He said her writing so far reflects where she's at in her life, and like her husband, she's got a song about the attention she gets for just going out of the house. "She literally can't go anywhere without her privacy being invaded," Rotem said. "Everybody is trying to get information. So the record we wrote, it addresses the 'who do you trust' kind of thing." Rotem said she also has up-tempo club songs "like in the vein of 'S.O.S.' " as well as relationship songs "and everything in between." She even raps a bit ("Not rap rap, but talk rap," Rotem clarified). "It's definitely Britney, but the next level," the producer said. "With songs like 'Toxic,' she was very innovative, and we're trying to top it. Push it to the next thing." "How can we make the type of music where the people are gonna go, 'Woah, what's that?'. "There some dance stuff, there's some slow, more introspective stuff; some club things.""

- May 2006

"She wrote a song with me that's kind of introspective about how people and the paparazzi are constantly following her around," reports the latest "It" megaproducer, J.R. Rotem, who's been in the studio almost daily with Spears, who is expecting her second child." "The classically trained pianist who's masterminded some 60 hit tunes in the last year alone for the likes of Mya, Busta Rhymes, Talib Kweli and Rihanna, whose single, "S.O.S. (Rescue Me)" just rocketed to No. 1 on the Billboard singles chart. J.R. says he and Spears are "working on about three or four different songs at the same time." He adds, "She's definitely touching on subjects that have to do with her everyday life. Being married and having a baby and what her life is now. That will be reflected in the album, but it's going to be a combination. Britney's the queen of pop, and she's not going to go off on some weird tangent. We're also doing the club kind of stuff, that's very pop, dance with hip-hop. It's like next-level Britney. Her fans are not going to be disappointed."

- May 2006

"JR Rotem has spoken to MTV about Britney's forthcoming 5th album, saying the record will have "some dance stuff; some slow, more introspective stuff; and some club things." "When she gets behind the mic there's a magic that comes out - and the music that we're doing is the next level." He said, "She's like everyone else; She's hearing all the hits on the radio; Nelly Furtado's "Promiscuous" and things like that." She views the hits as a challenge: "Our goal is to try to one-up it. How can we innovate? How can we make the type of music where the people are gonna go, 'Whoa, what's that?'" He added that he'd worked on "a bunch of stuff" with Britney; some she wrote & brought in, & some he wrote for her; "I was blown away to see Britney record in the studio. She was really sweet. She was so professional. She knows her voice so well, yet she would still take direction, let herself be produced & was open to ideas." JR Rotem has been speaking in more depth about his work with Britney for her 5th album, saying, "Working with Britney is great, I mean, she’s very talented and she’s just like a veteran, even though she’s young, she’s been performing and doing things for like 20 years. When you get in the studio with her, she’s focused; she knows how her voice is. Even writing, we wrote a song and I was really impressed by her creativity and how well she knows herself. She’s just dope, she’s a veteran. It’s still 'pop' music, it’s still very her, it’s just next level Britney. We’re working on a few different songs, some are just, it’s hard to explain, like dark and dramatic, others are more dance and still others are just straight club - hip-hop people can feel it - and 'pop'."

- April 2006


Jim Jonsin

"As far as working with other major artists, I’m working with Britney Spears. I’ve done one song for Britney that they picked for her." May 2006 Source

"Phat Rat has consulted for some of the most successful and prominent names including The GAME, Dr Dre, Big Fase 100, Michael Jackson, Rodney Jerkins, Tyra Banks, Britney Spears."

- Posted in 2006 on his Myspace Page


Swizz Beatz

"Swizz promises something just as groundbreaking for the new Britney Spears album, which he’s currently working on with songwriter Sean Garrett. “That’s my partner in crime right there,” Swizz said. “The Britney stuff, we’re creating just for her. It’s a lot of tempo, a lot of hard drums, a lot of sonic changes. It’s just something that when you hear it, you get goose bumps. She’s back for real.”

- August 2006


Scott Storch

"According to reports, whilst Britney is in Miami, she will be working with Scott Storch on tracks for her 5th album."

- November 2006


"The team behind Girls Aloud are also writing tracks for Ms Spears."

- November 2006 Source

Also submitted material to Britney for "In The Zone." One of the tracks was Girl's Aloud's "Graffiti My Soul." On the official Girls Aloud website, group member Cheryl had written "But if there was an album track I could release as a single, I would love to release 'Graffiti My Soul.' It was originally written for Britney Spears and she even recorded her own version but didn't end up keeping it. I heard it and it was really strange. We didn't hear it fully mixed. But on our version I sing the line 'You dream of touching me there' and I heard her sing it in that really strange voice and it freaked me out." 

- Posted in January 2008 on Girls Aloud's official website under '08.01.08 More of your questions answered'


Dr. Luke

"The singer is reportedly collaborating with record producer Dr. Luke (a.k.a. Lukasz Gottwald, the mastermind behind Kelly Clarkson's hits "Since U Been Gone" and "Behind These Hazel Eyes")."

- November 2006 Source


Produced the unreleased track "All The Way" with Cathy Dennis for "Blackout"

David Banner

"I’ve submitted some music to Britney Spears, and it’s looking like they are going to accept the submission.”

- February 2007


Junior Vasquez

"He is trying to get a song approved for inclusion on Britney Spears' new album."

- February 2007

Bryan Michael Cox

Confirmed in People Magazine in early 2007.

"Is there any artist in particular you would like to reach out to?"

Bryan-Michael Cox: "Britney Spears. If Britney don't have a hot album this time, it’s going to be her fault. Everybody wants to work with her."

- October 2007


Polow Da Don

"Now working with 50 Cent, Nicole Scherzinger, R. Kelly, and Britney Spears, as well as with his own artists Rich Boy and Keri Hilson, Polow has typically grandiose ambitions."

- Spring 2007


Danny S.

"Also recently Danny has been working on a couple of tracks for Britney Spears album - we know its going to be super hot and are really happy Danny has a chance to submit something for the album - fingers crossed from everyone here and we'll keep you updated on developments as always."

- May 2007


Billy Crawford

"One of his compositions, "Beautiful Night," was bought by Britney Spears herself. "She loved the song. She promised to used this in her next album. The only question is when." "If she doesn't use it, I don't mind singing it myself. But last I heard, Britney is now preparing for her comeback so she might use this after all."

- June 2007


Taio Cruz

Under the 'Recent Projects' section of his official site, Britney is listed as one of the people he had been working with.

- June 2007


Shiny Toy Guns

"We've also been asked to work on Britney Spears' new album! If it doesn't interfere with our schedules and our work, we're happy to work with anyone."

- June 2007


Source: Wikibin

Unreleased Britney Spears Songs (Part 2)

This is a list of producers that Britney Spears
has worked with, 
but have never had their work released.
A list of unreleased and leaked tracks is also listed.

This information has been compiled from various sources over the years and is accurate.

- PART 2 -

P. Diddy

Britney recorded three tracks with P. Diddy in summer 2003, the only one released is "The Answer." He had confirmed that he rapped on one of the tracks. It was rumored that one of the tracks he produced would sample a hit song from one of the artists on his record label from the nineties (possibly a Notorious B.I.G. song), but this was never confirmed. Source currently unavailable.

"Diddy declined to give song titles, since the tracks aren't finished and the album isn't due until November."

- September 2003



Outkast were commissioned to remix
Britney's "Me Against The Music.

"As her forthcoming In the Zone (formerly Get in the Zone) nears completion, the pop star is working her booty overtime, already mapping out plans for remixes galore of her first single, "Me Against the Music," featuring Madonna. The RedZone-produced track has been sent to several producers, including Outkast." September 2003 Source

Big Boi of Outkast had stated in a 2004 interview with AOL Music that he had attempted to remix the song, but he "couldn't work with it."


Basement Jaxx

Basement Jaxx were also asked
to remix "Me Against The Music."
It's also been rumored, but never confirmed,
that they were asked to work with Britney on "In The Zone."

"We were asked to remix the last Madonna and Britney record, but they said we couldn't hear the track. They said, 'Do you want to do Madonna?' We asked, 'Well, what does it sound like?' They said 'It's the new Madonna single' as if that was enough. We didn't have much time, and they did eventually send a thing of it, but it was all far too late."

- October 2003


Scissor Sisters

In 2004, the Scissor Sisters were asked to remix Britney's "Toxic."
They refused at first, but later agreed to.
However, group member Baby Daddy later said
they couldn't do this because of timing issues.

RS: Good answer. I heard you've been approached to remix many big projects but have turned them down.
Why would you like choose to remix someone like Pet Shop Boys
as opposed to Britney Spears?

Baby Daddy: I wouldn't mind mixing Britney Spears, I think "Toxic" is amazing.
It's a timing issue as we don't have all the time in the world. There are a few obligations but there are few people in our mind that we would make the time for.



Britney had recorded three or possibly more tracks with RedZone. Only two produced by them were released ("Me Against The Music" and "The Hook Up"). It's possible that the third song they recorded with Britney is the leaked track "Sippin On'"/"What You Sippin' On" (featuring AC).


"Christopher "Tricky" Stewart and Penelope Magnet knew they were on to something when Britney Spears' handlers took interest in what was only the third song the duo had written and produced together."

- October 2003


The collective known as RedZone had only one problem. "She told us the song sucked," Stewart said, laughing. "Evidently RedZone's confidence was not hurt by Britney's initial rejection. "It was a song called 'Pop Culture Whore,' so I can see why she would hate it," Magnet said, laughing. Getting a chance to hang out with and talk to her and get in her world made it a lot easier to actually write and know what she would and wouldn't say, to know where her real vibe is," Magnet said.

"We knew first we needed some energy," Stewart added. Tricky, best known for co-writing and co-producing B2K's "Uh Huh," came up with the track, while Magnet came up with the melody on a piano and wrote the lyrics. Source



She was asked to write a track for "In The Zone," although she declined because she felt what she wrote would be censored by Britney's record label.

"Britney Spears asked her to do some songwriting for her next record, but Peaches passed on the offer that many would have killed for. "I thought, 'What can I write for her that they're not gonna water down?'" she explains."

- August 2003

Well what about turning down Britney?

"Well I just didn’t understand how anything I write for Britney Spears could actually work for her a) on her album and b) without getting censored so I didn’t really see the point of writing for someone else in those circumstances."

- January 2004


Robyn Carlsson

In an interview with in August 2003, Robyn said she was writing for Britney. She also said they hadn't met, but talked on the phone with each other about the song.

"I've written for her before but it only got to the recording stages."

- Interview in October 2007, although she was referring to 2003.


Source: Wikibin

Unreleased Britney Spears Songs (Part 1)

This is a list of producers that Britney Spears
has worked with, 
but have never had their work released.
A list of unreleased and leaked tracks is also listed.

This information has been compiled from various sources over the years and is accurate.

Oops!...I Did It Again Era
Shanks and Bigfoot

"UK production duo Shanks & Bigfoot have revealed exclusively to
dotmusic that they are writing for Britney Spears' new album.
Shanks told dotmusic: "It obviously won't be our traditional 2-step sound,
but it will use our drum sounds, orchestration
and overall melodic feel."

- October 21, 1999


Full Force

"Fast-forward to the late '90s: same place, same players. A teenage girl named Britney Spears from Kentwood, Louisiana, is in the Full Force studio, trying out material for an upcoming album. "Britney spent a week with us in Brooklyn," recalls Lou."

"Some of the other artists that they have produced and written for are Britney Spears."

* A track from Britney's recordings sessions with Full Force, titled "Luv The Hurt Away" was posted on their official website. An R&B ballad and a duet with Full Force, it showcased much stronger vocals from Spears.


In The Zone Era
Guy Chambers

"Dotmusic reported that Britney Spears is working on her new album with Robbie Williams' ex songwriting partner, Guy Chambers, according to reports. The pop princess is said to have made a number of trips to Guy's studio in North London where the pair have been working on a raunchy new track, 'Sacred'." Guy wrote the unreleased tracks "Sacred" and "Free" with Britney and Cathy Dennis.

- November 2002


Nisan Stewart and Missy Elliott

"UMPG has signed producer/songwriter/drummer Nisan Stewart to an exclusive worldwide publishing deal. Stewart produced several tracks on Tweet's debut album, Southern Hummingbird (Elektra), which has scanned more than 700,000 units. He's also busy working with Missy Elliott for the new Britney Spears project."

- November 8, 2002


"Spears said she'll again work with producer Rodney Jerkins for the follow-up to last year's 'Britney.'"

- December 2002


Daft Punk and William Orbit

"Mainly, I've just been having meetings with people to hear their stuff to see if I want to work with them in January. I met up with some really hot producers, William Orbit and Daft Punk, overseas." The pop princess also told trade magazine The Hollywood Reporter that she had taken meetings while in Europe with producer William Orbit (Madonna, Blur) and electronic duo Daft Punk about possible collaborations. Her working with Orbit was suspected in November, but Spears wouldn't spill (see "Britney Spears' Hiatus Is History"). "I can't tell you. Then it won't be cool when it comes out," she said. And like Pink and more recently Nick Carter, Spears might to go more rock on her next venture and perhaps delve deeper into hip-hop, according to The Hollywood Reporter. But it can't be forced, she told the magazine — it's got to be an organic evolution. "It should just happen naturally from the way you feel. ... I'm in the studio just doing my thing and letting it flow. Whatever happens, happens."

- December 2002


In a 2007 interview, Daft Punk commented about what happened to their collaboration with Britney:

If Britney or Madonna had asked you to work on their albums would you have been interested?

"I think both of them already have asked in the past, in fact. But unfortunately we were too busy at the time and we couldn’t do it. In the future when we have more time then maybe."

- November 27, 2007


DFA Records/LCD Soundsystem/James Murphy
It was first confirmed that Britney was working with DFA in a 2003 issue of "Wired" magazine.

"Most surreally, they spent an afternoon in the studio with Britney Spears. "That was weird," says Goldsworthy. "Won't do that again. No offense to her - she's lovely. Got a foul mouth, though!" The brief session came to nothing, through lack of common musical ground. "When we work with people, we hang out, listen to records, share stuff," says Murphy. "But with Britney we had absolutely no way of communicating. She didn't know anything that we knew." Its ability to straddle genres while maintaining a definitive sound has even sparked an interest from the pop world. "We spent a day working with Britney Spears on a song and just thought, 'This is silly. It isn't really our thing.' We're not being superior. It's just not the way we work," they said of the ill-fated collaboration." April 2004 Source

"Enter Britney to cheer them up. Or not. "We felt really confused as to what to do, so we thought, 'Let's try our approach - hanging out for months, listening to records, learning to trust each other, fighting and getting really intense - with a pop star.' "So she comes in with her minder and her rules: 'She'll be available from four till seven, we want you to work on lyrics with her ...' Which was just bizarre. I'm lying on the floor of the studio with Britney and a notebook, working on lyrics. Now, I know what kind of lyrics I write and I can't imagine them coming out of her head. I was going, 'Come on, you must hate the world, let's write a song about it!'" Britney, it turned out, wasn't ready to write a song full of angst and dark urges. Murphy, for his part, admits: "I have a thing about inane lyrics - the world doesn't need them."

- October 28, 2004


"James Murphy was given an impossible task: To produce a hit for Britney Spears in less than three hours.

" came over, and the idea was that I would write lyrics with her. We were really open-minded, because who knows what she's like as a person?" the LCD Soundsystem frontman and DFA producer said of his failed collaboration with the pop princess. "Maybe she was really starving to do something else, and we could play her records , but that's not how that world works," he said amid downtime during the recent South by Southwest festival (see "Queens Of The Stone Age Are Kings Of SXSW 2005"). " sends her to work with like 30 or 40 producers to see who is going to generate a hit, and that isn't interesting to me."

"Britney was there because the DFA — the production duo founded by Murphy and his British partner in crime, Tim Goldsworthy — are one of the trendiest record-making teams of the last five years. At the beginning of this decade, the pair was producing dance-rock records and remixes for the indie acts like Radio 4 and Le Tigre, but a song they produced for the Rapture, "House of Jealous Lovers," became a bona fide underground hit in 2002 (see "The Rapture's Dirty Disco Teaches The Underground To Dance")."

- Britney worked with DFA in 2003, interview from April 2005


"Long rumored unfinished Tim Goldsworthy demo track for Britney which got shelved by Jive Records for being "too hip" according to DFA mgr Jonathan Galkin."

- January 2006


"At one point The DFA were approached to produce pop princess Britney Spears, but the time frame delineated for their sessions was absurd. "The circumstances weren't particularly good," Murphy rues. "It was a lot of, 'Well, she can be there from 4 to 5.30 to write a song.' It was just a bunch of bullshit, so we pulled the plug on it after a day."

- February 7, 2006


"LCD Soundsystem frontman James Murphy has spoken about working with Britney Spears. The two worked together in 2003 on tracks for possible inclusion on her album ’In The Zone’. He told New York Magazine: “It was very strange - we were both lying on the floor, head-to head, working on lyrics in a notepad. “She seemed eager to please, but it went nowhere. She went to dinner and just never came back.” One of the tracks, which remained untitled, surfaced on the internet last year."

- March 21, 2007


An unfinished demo of the song Spears recorded with DFA leaked onto the internet on January 4, 2006. It's often known as "DFA Demo" or "Get It." More information about the song can be found here.


Fred Durst

"Durst spared no detail in discussing his professional relationship with Spears, saying that he wrote three songs for her, which he recorded as demos using his voice. "Her management called, and I thought, 'She's pretty hot. I've always had this thing for her. We'll see what happens.' I wrote these songs ... I said, 'Just sing what I sing and I'll mute my voice.'" Durst said the pair spent two or three days in a studio working on the songs, which he described as trip-hop tracks reminiscent of Portishead and the Sneaker Pimps. "I'm very diverse. I write in a lot of different styles. It was very dark ... too mature for her." Durst said he told Spears' label he was not going to let her use the songs after Spears began denying their personal relationship in the press. The Spears spokesperson said no final track selection has been made yet for the album, but that it does not appear that the Durst tracks will be included. "She's still recording the bulk of it," the spokesperson said."

- February 2003


"MTV reported that When Britney Spears drops her new album this fall, don't be surprised to find a little reminder of her relationship with Fred Durst. The Limp Bizkit frontman is among the producers working on Spears' as-yet-untitled new album, due in October, according to a Jive Records spokesperson. Durst has produced one unnamed track thus far, but it, as well as everything else that has been done for the follow-up to 2001's Britney, is not guaranteed to wind up on Spears' fourth LP.

Those familiar with Durst's posts on the Bizkit site know that he had been fawning over Spears earlier this month, claiming, among other things, that "he had never felt this way before". "As for Spears, she's dropped the three Durst-produced tracks from her forthcoming album, MTV News reports."

- January 2003


Two of the songs confirmed were the mid-tempo "Nothing" and a cover of INXS's "I Need You Tonight," a duet with Fred (confirmed in a 2003 issue of Rolling Stone).

"Most recently, he has collaborated with Britney Spears."

- Late 2002/Early 2003



"Also, Avatar recently hosted a reportedly "resting" Britney Spears in Studio C. She was tracking with producers Rob Fusari and Bilal
along with engineer Bart Migal on the Sony Oxford OXF-R3."

- Late 2002/Early 2003


The Neptunes

In 2003, it was confirmed that Britney was working with The Neptunes on tracks for her fourth album. The tracks were never released, and in summer of that year Britney said that she was "over them." Pharell of the Neptunes had originally wanted Kelis' hit "Milkshake" (produced by them) to be given to Britney for "In The Zone."

- "Mainstays Rodney Jerkins and the Neptunes are again logging time with the pop princess."

- March 2003


7 Aurelius

"Both 7, who also worked on the latest Tupac album, and the Matrix have done three tracks with Spears and are hoping to do more.
"I'm doing something for her, something really ridiculous. record I'm going to do for Britney is going to give Justin a reason to cry," Aurelius said, suggesting a song that answers Timberlake's "Cry Me a River," which is widely believed to be about Spears. "It was her people that came and sat down, played me a lot of stuff she did. We sat down and talked out ideas and I got to working on stuff. It sounds crazy."

- March 2003


The Matrix

Britney had recorded three tracks with The Matrix, only one has been released ("Shadow").

"Spears has said she may explore her hip-hop and rock influences on the follow-up to Britney, but the Matrix's Lauren Christy said that's not exactly the case.

"It's definitely not anywhere near Avril," Christy said. "It's really hard to put it in a box. It's not really R&B-based or dance-based, it's just really good songs. It's not done in a rock way at all, though."

Christy, a former pop singer herself, likened the album to Madonna's Ray of Light, which is fitting since Spears has met with William Orbit, who produced that album, and is said to be working with Mirwais, another Madonna producer. And Durst described his work with Spears as having a trip-hop vibe, like Madonna's "Frozen."

"It's got a really good groove," Christy said of Spears' record so far.

"She's taking it to the next level in her career," the Matrix's Scott Spock added. "Madonna constantly takes what's in the club and puts what she does on top of it and makes it mainstream. I think Britney is starting to embrace that concept where she's looking to work on different stuff, instead of using the same familiar, and applying it to her." The Matrix have been presenting Spears with songs already written for her, as they did with Lavigne, but she has been active in tailoring them to suit herself, especially the words. "Lyrically, it's a little deeper, just a little more grown up, but not trying to change the world or anything," Christy said. "The great thing about Britney is she really knows what she wants. She knows if she's trying something on that doesn't fit right for her. She's like, 'No, that's not me.' She's not one to strap on some sort of fake image." Christy is particularly excited about a track called "Shadow." "She just kills it," the British producer said. "It's amazing. I was really impressed with her vocal ability on it." Although Spears' album will be different, Spock said fans need not worry. "I don't think they will be freaked out or upset," he said. "I think they'll be really into what's going to happen."

- March 2003


Bloodshy & Avant

Produced at least five songs for "In The Zone," only four of the songs they produced for her during that time have been released ("Toxic," "Showdown," "I've Just Begun," "Chaotic"). Also produced "Hollow" with Cathy Dennis, although this remains unreleased (see 'Unreleased Songs' article below). Christina Milian's "I Need More," produced by them, was meant to be given to Britney for "In The Zone." Rachel Steven's "Sweet Dreams My LA Ex," produced by Bloodshy & Avant and Cathy Dennis, was also meant for Britney, but she turned it down.


Shep Soloman
Worked with Britney on a few tracks, the only one released is "Touch Of My Hand." He also collaborated with her on the unreleased tracks "Wonderland" and "Stay," which was described as a mix between Coldplay and Massive Attack.

- Metro
Confirmed in article on Source currently unavailable.


Robert 'Big Bert' Smith is an R&B producer and former husband of R&B singer Brandy.

"Smith isn't limiting his songwriting and producing to his wife's career. He's also penning and producing tunes for pop princess Britney Spears and Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin."

- May 2003


Wade Robson

"Wade has also been working with the great Carly Simon and recently has been back in the studio with Britney Spears." Posted on Wabe Robson's official website in August 2003.


Source: Wikibin



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